Online Quiz Gambling

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Are you concerned about your gaming? Take our short quiz below (nine questions) to learn if you meet criteria for problematic use/addiction: Game Quitters is an educational resource. If you need medical support, please call 911, emergency services, or a crisis line immediately. After your device battery has exhausted, your result can be found from (please bookmark, or write down, this URL before starting the battery test) Save Public save Private save Don't save &dtri.

  • (8 – 27 Points) High Risk Gambler
    A person scoring in this range may be gambling dependent and is experiencing a substantial level of gambling related problems.
  • (3 – 7 Points)Moderate Risk Gambler
    A person scoring in this range will already be experiencing some problem related to their gambling.
  • (1 – 2 Points) Low Risk Gambler
    Experienced one or two minor problems related to their gambling.
  • (0 Points) Non Problem Gambler
    Experienced no problems in the last year

Signs you or someone you know may have a gambling problem


There are a variety of signs that may indicate someone you know has a problem with their gambling. The more signs they show, the greater the chance of a problem.
The following test is 100% anonymous and should only be used as a guide. If you are in any doubt about your own gambling or the gambling of somebody you know then please consult a specialist in this field or contact your local GP.
Take the quiz to find out the level of risk:

When was the first slot machine invented? Who won the largest progressive jackpot online and on land? Who invented the first casino games? What’s referred to as the “eye in the sky” and why a pair of aces and eights are called “dead-man’s hand”? Do you really know everything about gambling?

Online Gambling Michigan

Archaeologists have found indications that man has gambled in some form or another for thousands of years. With such a rich history to pull from, there are some rather amazing titbits of information and facts about gambling that might make for interesting conversation over the water cooler. Enjoy this list of gambling trivia about games, casinos and gaming personalities.